In JCI we give young individuals a chance to start their own committees to help their communities

Have an idea? Want to start or join a committee? Click the button to start today

Standing Committee Team Leaderboard

In JCI Honolulu, we promote leadership and teamwork to better our communities, but we also enjoy a little bit of healthy and fun competition.

For the year 2023, President Jenna Nakagawa has created a fun game to get members more involved with JCI, by creating a points system game.

Throughout the year points will be awarded to each standing committee for different task. At the 2024 Awards & Installation banquet, the top committee will be awarded. Good luck, and remember, just have fun serving your community!

This button shows you which members are on each Standing Committee

Points will be updated once a month and will be viewable the 1st of the month.

Check in to see where your team stands.